E105: Blankets are for Naps, Not Medicine: Is a 6 mL/kg Tidal Volume for Everyone?

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Medicine is an ever-evolving practice of learning from mistakes, conquering diseases, and seeing the needs of a unique individual who is desperate for a cure. It would be nice to be able to throw the same things at everyone and get the same results, but if we do that we forget the of the individual and the uniqueness of their body. In this episode, we discuss the trend of “blanket medicine,” and how it specifically relates to the once king of tidal volumes, 6 mL/kg. If you love our podcast, don’t forget to rate and especially review wherever you get your podcasts.

Creators and Guests

Eric Bauer
Eric Bauer
FlightBridgeED Co-Founder | CEO | Content Creator/Host
E105: Blankets are for Naps, Not Medicine: Is a 6 mL/kg Tidal Volume for Everyone?
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