E108: ASV - Dissecting the Evidence

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In this episode of The FlightBridgeED Podcast, we take a look at a new mode of ventilation found on some transport ventilators made by Hamilton. Adaptive Support Ventilation (ASV) has been touted as a completely hands-off mode in a “set-it-and-forget-it” sort of way. You won’t believe what a recent study uncovered about this mode! Download, rate, and review wherever you get your podcast. Remember, reviews help keep us high on the charts where your friends and colleagues can find us. If you love our podcast, help us out! It only takes a couple of minutes and your review might light the fire of knowledge for someone else! Thanks for listening!

Creators and Guests

Eric Bauer
Eric Bauer
FlightBridgeED Co-Founder | CEO | Content Creator/Host
E108: ASV - Dissecting the Evidence
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