E135: High Dose Nitro in Hypertensive Left Ventricular Failure

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High-dose nitro has become a hot topic as of late. In the podcast, I'm joined by Chris Meeks, a Flight Paramedic and the host of the Mind Body Medic Podcast.  Chris and I sit down and discuss the physiology of left systolic and diastolic ventricular failure and how to approach a patient who is in severe overload due to high systemic vascular resistance.  The newest literature is guiding high push dose nitro, with doses of 1-3mg IV push given every couple minutes. Join us for the discussion, and look into physiology and application in the pre-hospital ground and helicopter environments. Lastly, we couldn’t make this podcast without you. Please rate, and review wherever you download the podcast. Thanks for listening!

Creators and Guests

Eric Bauer
Eric Bauer
FlightBridgeED Co-Founder | CEO | Content Creator/Host
E135: High Dose Nitro in Hypertensive Left Ventricular Failure
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