E187: ECMO in out of hospital cardiac arrest with Dr. Dimitri Yannopoulos

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In this episode, Mike Verkest joins Eric and Dr. Dimitri Yannopoulos to discuss the role of ECMO in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Dr. Yannopoulos’s research involves cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hypothermia, and myocardial salvage during acute coronary syndromes. He is considered an authority in cardiorespiratory interactions and hypothermia during CPR. His work in the laboratories of Dr. Keith Lurie (at the University of Minnesota) and Dr. Henry Halperin (at Johns Hopkins University) has helped change current CPR practices. We will discuss the ARREST trial and learn about the trials he is blazing in cardiac arrest care.

Creators and Guests

Eric Bauer
Eric Bauer
FlightBridgeED Co-Founder | CEO | Content Creator/Host
E187: ECMO in out of hospital cardiac arrest with Dr. Dimitri Yannopoulos
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